Location: Skien, Norway.
Members: 001, 002, 003.
Type: Shelter.
Status: Abandoned / Buried.
Doing some research about shelters in Skien i stumbled across a document detailing how a company was awarded the contract of emptying, securing, sealing and concealing a disused shelter just ouside of town. The contract was awarded in early june, so time was of the essence. I had my hopes up as I picked up 002 & 003, but my hopes were soon to be shattered. By the looks of things, they had just finished, probably no more than a week before we got there. I went back a week or so later after 002 reported that they had finished covering the entrance with piles of dirt. Next summer, when plants and weeds reclaim the territory, there will most likely be no trace that there has been anything here at all. But the cavemen know about the 650 sq.feet of cave that lies hidden beneath tons of dirt...the cavemen know!!
Meet Destructo |
Sealed |
Asbesthos | |
Where's My Hazmat Suit? |
Buried & Gone |
-Caveman 001-
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