Location: Oslo, Norway.
Members: 001.
Type: Subway.
Status: Active / In Use.
Oslo T-Bane |
Back at it! As mentioned before, we aren't fans of giving away exact locations because of the obvious negative implications it might have. Since last we have come to experience this the hard way and tightened the circle of trust even further. Having shared info with people who really should know better and then finding travel descriptions in local media that even my grandmother would have been able to follow isn't cool. It leads to tightening of security, over-anxious parents demanding "death traps" being sealed off, and industry checking up on possible entrances. Fortunately we haven't given away all our secrets, so we'll still be able to get in.
Enough moral ranting on our behalf..but last words of advice to aspiring explorers..five minutes of personal fame in exchange for closing of top notch locations
forever is not the way to play!
Let's Get Down To Business |
Let's get down to business now. For those of you who are up and about, the location of this one shouldn't be much of a secret. I'm talking about a subway or t-bane station in downtown Oslo. Up until 1992 this station was end of the line for both the eastern and western lines. In 1992 the first trains could pass through this station and lines were extended. There is a lot more to this station than at first meets the eye. Before being rebuilt to serve as a "through" station, eastbound trains used to go in a loop around the station on the return trip. There is also a loop below the main lines that connect the outermost platforms. There are also a lot of other rumors about this place that I can't and won't get into here, but you can read up on the stories yourself.
Doors Leading Off To..? |
More Passages. |
What I can say though is that this station can also serve as a gigantic bomb shelter should the need arise. Blast proof doors are passed every day by thousands of commuters. They can be found several places throughout the station and can also be seen at the ends of all platforms.
King Size Blast Proof Doors |
Blast Proof Doors At Platforms |
This station is served by all six lines and sees a lot of traffic during the day. Snooping around places like this in this day and age makes people suspicious, so I didn't hang around for too long after noticing people looking at me while taking pictures. Regarding rumors, there are all sorts..from weird streetlevel-connections to sewer connectins, hatches in the floor, and from disused construction passages, to passageways leading off to various government institutions.
Platforms |
I'll leave you with a few pictures of something I hadn't noticed on previous visits. Looks rather interesting.
Notice Anything? |
Look Closer |
Blast Proof Doors Hidden Behind Panels. |
I just love subways!! Always keep eyes open..you never know what you might find!
-Caveman 001-
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